Wednesday, July 12, 2006

you've got to know them to love them...

One of the wonderful things that has come out of this rotten experience is the fact that so many people, old friends-new friends, families, etc...have come together to celibrate and love on Adam and his family.

Here are some photos that have been saved for the "DIRECTORS CUT"...with comments.

Hey, you've got to know the people that have made up this little coven over the past 20+ years!

BTW: this photo was not out of focus...the subjects were...except for Dan (of course...since he's a judge now).

Poor Sayle, she not only had to put up with all these guys, she had to remember to pace herself as to not drink them under the table. We all have our burdens...
see what I Adam "impresses the ladies" with his latest scares. Does the maddess ever stop!!!!

As I explain to Oaks..."no, the madness never pay"


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